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A Day in the Life: Franny Goolsby

by Tessa Vogel
September 16, 2022
Follow SVP of Sales Franny Goolsby as she navigates through her typical day in the life of an executive.

In the Salelytics dictionary, we’ve replaced the word ‘Grit’ with ‘Goolsby.’ Meeting Senior Vice President of Sales Franny Goolsby will clear any confusion as to why.

Join Franny in her everyday routine where she masters the morning, raises her family, and performs as the sales superstar we all know her to be.

4:15 am

The alarm goes off.

4:15 am wake up time

4:30 am 

By 4:30 am I need to be out the door to start my workout.  

I was never a morning workout person until I completed 75 Hard earlier this year.

It is one of the habits I have kept up with and usually wake up early to go on a walk and listen to my favorite podcasts (Daily Stoic; Chasing Excellence).

After recently reading “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins, I decided to do a second marathon (which I swore I’d never do again); so now I’m training (running) instead of walking in the morning.

5:30 am

I get back home so that my husband, Aaron, can leave for work and I can watch our girls (Gwendolyn 10; Beatrice 8; Estelle 7).

5:30 am

Then, I make my pot of coffee, get ready for the day, always make the bed, and relax for a few minutes while watching HLN.

6:15 am

My favorite part of the day is when I wake up my girls and get them dressed for school, do their hair, and pack their bags.

7:00 am

On Fridays we have an agreement that if they are good during the week, then we go to Dunkin Donuts (We call it Dunkin Donut Fridays!); so we need to be out the door by 7:00 am.

Dunkin' Fridays with the girls

7:45 am

I’m back home, get my desk and planner organized, write down my priority objectives that must be completed, then log into my computer to start my day!

Franny's office setup

8:00 am

Most days are jam-packed with meetings.  

  • This could be new client internal launch calls, external launch calls, discovery prospect calls, contracting discussions, or QBRs with clients.
  • Also, much of my time is filled with creating proposals and strategies for new and prospective clients.
  • Pre-Covid, for the most part, I always had some time to get away for lunch. Now, since video calls are so easy to schedule, I have to take lunch when I can which is most often at my desk. One of the advantages of remote work is making my own lunch, which I love to do.
  • When I have gaps in my schedule, I need to fill them with prospecting. This is also one of my favorite parts of my job. I enjoy researching and consulting with other organizations on how our business model can support their go-to-market strategies and overcome their sales challenges. I try to fit this in and make it a priority throughout my week.
  • I also travel a couple of times a month. It is nice to get out of the home office and visit with colleagues, clients, and prospects.

3:30 pm

Aaron is back home after picking the girls up from school. They stop in my office to hug me and tell me about their day, then Aaron makes them a snack and does their homework with them so I have some quiet time to finish up work.

Girls back from school

4:30 pm

I log off and sit down with Aaron so we can catch up and chat about our days.

5:00 – 7:00 pm

Throughout the week, we are running girls to piano, gymnastics, soccer, basketball practice, or making a grocery store run - this is probably our most busy time of day.

7:00 pm

We are all home and I start to make dinner. I’m not a great cook but have a few go-to meals that the kids love.

8:00 pm

Dinner is done, and I tell the girls to get their jammies on and brush their teeth. Aaron does laundry while I do the dishes. I also make sure the house is cleaned up so I can start the next day with a fresh start.

9:00 pm

I say goodnight to my girls and tuck them in; then Aaron and I crash on the couch!

10:00 pm

By now, we're In bed with the lights out for the night, and the alarm set to do it all over again tomorrow.

And with that, Franny drifts off to sleep with dreams of deals and new client programs. There's a reason Franny is an eight-time Salelytics Presidents Club award winner. It's the tenacity and commitment to herself, her family, and her peers that she exhibits each day. 

Franny's Links 
Daily Stoic 
Chasing Excellence 
75 Hard
"Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins 

Tessa Vogel, Marketing Content Manager
As a Marketing Content Manager, I'm passionate about bringing creativity to business. Through leadership, content writing, photography, social media, and campaign building, I'm able to find that intersection.

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